Bread And Circuses: What It Means For Once-Great Nations

Authored by Nicole James via The Epoch Times, Democracy, that ever-so-fleeting fancy, has a tendency to tumble into a bit of a tizz before it topples over, panting and gasping like a winded walrus. John Adams, ever the prophet of doom, once…#nicolejames #epochtimes #johnadams #rome #venus #colosseum #eastersunday #transawarenessday #juliuscaesar #septimiusseverus (Source: Reuters: Health)

Biden urged Israel to use caution in any response to Iran’s unprecedented attack and pressed allies for a united diplomatic front in a bid to stop the …

Biden urged Israel to use caution in any response to Iran’s unprecedented attack and pressed allies for a united diplomatic front in a bid to stop the hostilities from spiraling into open warfare that could engulf the Middle East and entangle the U.S.#israel #iran #middleeast (Source: Reuters: Health)

Trump will become the first former president to sit for a criminal trial when he appears in a New York court to defend himself against accusations he directed …

Trump will become the first former president to sit for a criminal trial when he appears in a New York court to defend himself against accusations he directed an illegal scheme to pay off a porn star.#trump (Source: Reuters: Health)

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