Category: news
Unbekannte schlagen 40-Jährigen bewusstlos
Sextortion arrests follow Australian boy’s suicide
Two people in Nigeria threatened to send explicit photos to the teenager’s family, police say.
Tragen wir Jeansjacken 20234 ganz anders? Trends und No-Gos
Aprilwetter bringt Temperatursturz um bis zu 20 Grad – Dazu Schauer, Wind und sogar Schnee
Russian trolls target U.S. support for Ukraine, Kremlin documents show
In a campaign stoking anti-Ukraine sentiment in the U.S., Russia-directed trolls have written thousands of fabricated news articles and social media posts.
Ukraine nuclear plant drone strike prompts warning
The International Atomic Energy Agency warns Russia and Ukraine not to attack nuclear facilities.
Watch: Returning home to find house in ruins
Palestinians started returning to the city after Israel said it was reducing the amount of soldiers in southern Gaza.