Uber Freight Taps Industry Veterans for Commercial, Final-Mile Growth

Managed transportation provider Uber Freight announced Wednesday it has hired two key executives to leverage their expertise in growing the company’s commercial operations and final-mile network. The leadership of the company’s commercial organization will now be entrusted to Dan Annunziata. With…#uberfreight #danannunziata #chrobinsonchrw #chrobinson #freightwaves #hanyelkordy #logistics #lastmilesolutions #amazon #walmart (Source: Reuters: Health)

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Demand Shocks Keeping Aging Fleet Afloat, Argue Shipowners

Ship recycling has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years, per a recent report by the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO). BIMCO — a trade group representing shipowners — states that capacity has been overtaxed by the Red Sea crisis, which has forced shipping lines to take a longer…#baltic #bimco #redsea #africa #russian #simonheaney #drewry #houthi #lunarnewyear #philipdamas (Source: Reuters: Health)

Medicare Advantage cuts pressure nursing homes

Changes to Medicare Advantage plans could result in many nursing homes seeing lower reimbursements for patients in 2025. Rate adjustments affect seniors and their health care providers each year, whether they’re on traditional Medicare or the privatized Medicare Advantage plans. The lower…#medicareadvantage #medicare #centersformedicare #medicaidservices #altogether #christopherwestfall #seniorsavingsnetwork #westfall #florida #rickscott (Source: Reuters: Health)

The U.S. Should Encourage the EU on Armenian Membership

Nestled in the South Caucasus, beset by regional rivalries and dictatorships, Armenia is at the crossroads and in crisis. It faces hostile rivals to the east and west—Azerbaijan and Turkey. To the north lies Russia, once a thought-to-be protector, now an unreliable pariah. It looks to the faraway…#southcaucasus #armenia #azerbaijan #turkey #nagornokarabakh #azerbaijani #armenian #sovietunion #armeniangenocide #ottoman (Source: Reuters: Health)